Feedback Culture Workshops for Senior Management.
Q3 2019
Engie HR was looking for ways to strengthen the feedback culture in their energy trading area.
Like so many organisations, they aimed to establish a culture of immediate, honest feedback. Despite extensive training, they noticed avoidance of challenging topics, political correctness and well-meant politeness. And that’s not surprising because giving and receiving direct feedback is not easy, especially when it gets personal.
Most training focuses on techniques for giving feedback. However, because every person and organisation is unique regarding social interactions, something that worked for someone else or in another environment has no guarantee for success whatsoever.
Our approach is radically different. Building on neuroscience research, we focus on creating an environment where people are eager to receive and incorporate direct feedback frequently, regardless of the form in which they receive it.
“This is much more genuine and powerful than anything I learned before about giving and receiving feedback.”
Eveline, HR Manager at Engie
Engie HR invited us to provide hands-on half-day awareness sessions for their Senior Management.
We shared:
what happens in the brain when people receive feedback,
what motivates people for sustainable behaviour change, and
how they can leverage this to develop a science-based culture of direct, honest feedback.
But most importantly, we helped them find real answers to challenges they brought to the table.